October 31, 2013



I’m usually not one for Broadway shows as there are no car chases or explosions, but who can pass up seeing a sitting James Bond live on stage – especially when you were able to score second row seats? “Betrayal” is Harold Pinter’s 1977 play presented with Daniel Craig, his real-life wife Rachel Weisz and Rafe Spall.
Basically it’s the story of an affair – starting with its end and going back to its origins.  Craig is, as usual, excellent, although it’s hard to imagine he’d take the news that his wife is having a shag with his best mate as calmly as he does.  (I think he’d break out the Walther.)  Weisz is truly lovely and Spall, an actor I wasn’t familiar with, more than held his own onstage.  Up close Craig looks great and seemed like he was enjoying being back on Broadway – not to mention the record box office take.  All that was missing was a nice orange fireball… or somethin’.   mc